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Women's cycling underwear: what are the essentials?

To have fun on a bike, getting properly equipped is paramount. Part of the complete cycling outfit includes wearing technical underwear, regardless of the weather conditions. But then, which women's cycling underwear to choose? Here are the essentials to feel good in the saddle.

The bra: the must-have cycling underwear for women

The sports bra opens the ball of cycling underwear for women. It is an essential piece of the cycling wardrobe for ladies.
It provides a protective role against microtrauma suffered by the chest during road or mountain bike rides. Roots, stones, speed bumps, deteriorated pavement: your chest is constantly put to the test.
The bike bra allows to wrap the breasts to provide comfort and support, without a feeling of oppression.

Technical baselayer in summer: ride dry

Often neglected by female riders in the summer season, the technical cycling underwear is nevertheless an indispensable part of a woman's wardrobe.
The under shirt, also known as the baselayer, is made of a highly breathable textile to fulfill a mission of the utmost importance: to keep you dry during your cycling outings.
When we pedal intensely, the body generates extra heat in response to the effort. We release sweat to eliminate it. In direct contact with the skin, the undergarment helps wick away this perspiration, which is more important in the summer, and thus prevents your jersey from absorbing moisture.
Seamless and tailored to the female body type, it acts like a second skin to stay cool in all circumstances.
In the summer or mid-season, choose a short-sleeved undershirt or opt for the tank top version.

The thermal undershirt in winter: stick to the 3 layers

While it is important in the summer, the undershirt plays a crucial role in the winter period. Long rides in the cold are a challenge: you need to be well equipped to stay warm and dry.
The only solution is to apply the 3-layer concept by layering a cycling underwear, the cycling jersey and a windproof thermal jacket.
As in summer, the baselayer is worn as the first layer to ensure moisture transfer. In addition to being breathable, it provides excellent thermal insulation. Thicker than for mid-season and with long sleeves, it helps regulate your body temperature and protects you effectively from the cold.
Bra, tank top baselayer and winter undershirt: you now know which women's cycling underwear are essential for riding in the cool!


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